

FFT & The Fischer Family Trust

Who are FFT?

FFT is a non-profit company established in 2001 with links to the Fischer Family Trust. We are solely focussed on providing accurate and insightful information to schools which enables pupils achieve their full potential and schools to improve. We have been processing the National Pupil Database for the DFE since  2004 and providing analyses to all schools and LAs in England and Wales for over for 10 years.

What do FFT do?

FFTLive is a powerful online reporting system used by school leaders. We process data for all schools and pupils in England and Wales and provide online reports which analyse pupil results and pupils progress across all subjects and key stages, comparing performance to similar schools and the national average. FFTLive provides estimates of future pupil performance using FFT’s unique models which have been developed over 10 years. Last year FFTLive was used by over 75,000 unique school users to view 4 million reports.

FFT provides data and analyses to all schools and LAs in England and Wales. Our estimates are used by teachers to inform the setting of ambitious and aspirational targets for students. We analyse pupil results and pupil progress and provide school leaders with insightful data to support school improvement and self-evaluation.

Government Data Processing

FFT has managed the National Pupil Database for the DFE since 2004. Working in partnership with RM, our data analysts match and process pupil results and census information and calculate school performance indicators. We also match and process additional education datasets including data student outcomes from further and higher education. In Wales, FFT has contracts with the Welsh Assembly Government to process data and calculate value added progress indicators for all pupils and schools.

Schools & Academies

You can access FFT Aspire data and support in one of the following ways:

  • Option 1: Via your Local Authority (including Academies) – please contact your LA for further details
  • Option 2: Via FFT direct through an individual School subscription
  • Option 3: Via FFT direct through a School Group subscription (discounted rate for groups of 10 or more schools)

Because we process national census and examination data on behalf of the Department for Education, your data is automatically updated online each term as new pupils enter and leave your school. So, you get the latest data for EVERY pupil in your school – plus much more!

Individual School Subscriptions Costs Direct From FFT: 

£250 plus vat for Infant Schools

£300 plus vat for Primary Schools

£1,250 plus vat for Secondary Schools

What your FFT direct school subscription includes
(options 2 & 3)

  • 1 year’s online access to FFT Aspire
  • Access to all FFT reports and data
  • Access to new Governor Dashboard and Self Evaluation reports
  • Automatic census and exam updates every term
  • Automatic access to all new FFT Aspire innovations – including new features, new reports and enhancements
  • The ability to create and manage your own FFT Aspire accounts for school staff
  • Access to FFT training and support materials
  • FFT email support
  • Free autumn update service – early estimates for new pupils entering your school in autumn

For more information on FFT direct subscriptions or to subscribe via FFT, please email or call 01446 776262.

Local Authorities

To access the full range of FFT data for your LA and schools including FFT Aspire and your own FFT database, please email or call 01446 776262.

Academy Chains & Sponsors

If you’d like to access FFT Aspire school and Sponsor level data, please email or call 01446 776262.

All content provided is copyright of FFT. Please find links below to the source information and use the following useful links provided to find out more.

FFT Aspire Subscriptions >


DFE Clarify Virtual School Head’s Responsibility

FAQ ‘s – Pupil Premium and the role of the Virtual School Head.

The Department for Education clarified how the Virtual School Head (VSH) has a pivotal role in distributing and monitoring the pupil premium for looked after children on the 20 March 2014.

The pupil premium will be managed by the Virtual School Head who will be responsible for its distribution and effectiveness in raising achievement and will be accountable to the Director of Children’s Services and/or Chief Executive and the Lead Member for Children.

There is no requirement for an authority to pass the funding on to school to meet the needs identified in the personal education plan. The expectation is that funding will go to schools via the Virtual Head.

Key points of the guidance:

  • The virtual school head decides how the funding is distributed
  • The VSH is expected to pass on the pupil premium to a child’s education setting  to meet additional needs set out in the PEP.
  • The pupil premium can be passed on termly or annually.
  • Funding not used by the end of the financial year goes back to the department.
  • The VSH decides the amount of funding – it can be higher or lower than the £1900 of grant allocation per child.
  • Funding can be pooled.
  • The pupil premium should not be used to fund central services – it is to be used expressly to raise the achievement of disadvantaged pupils.
  • The pupil premium does not replace the personal education allowance.
  • The pupil premium is more focussed on support to improve the educational achievement of LAC and close the gap between LAC and none LAC.
  • The pupil premium should always support the educational achievement as described in the personal education plan.