Sutton Trust Interventions

The Sutton Trust Interventions.

What is the most cost effective intervention to bring about a rise in educational performance? The Sutton Trust-EEF Teaching and Learning toolkit has been produced for several years.

The trust has analysed the combined educational research on thirty four (at the last count) types of intervention. It has looked at the the cost effectiveness of each intervention and the likely educational improvement to expect from each.

The toolkit is very useful to schools planning how to spend pupil premium funding so they can resource and monitor the progress of pupils receiving the pupil premium grant.

For children in care, the Virtual School Head, will be responsible for distributing the pupil premium to schools. The epep Pupil Premium Resource Tracker makes use of the Sutton Trust categories to allow the Virtual Head to track the progress of pupils.

Schools will have to show in the PEP how the pupil premium will be used to meet the needs of individual and the progress they make. The tracker is used to set the targets, measure progress and allow the Virtual School Head to agree to funding requests.

Ewen Godfrey

eGov Digital.