ePEP Platform Overview
ePEP is the official electronic personal education plan for vulnerable children. Nationally, the ePEP Platform provides a secure platform for over 72 local authorities in over 8000 schools.
ePEP is the official electronic personal education plan for vulnerable children. Nationally, the ePEP Platform provides a secure platform for over 72 local authorities in over 8000 schools.
From the Virtual School Corporate Parent to the PEP Meeting.
Hover over the numbers to find out more about the 28 day ePEP process.
Virtual School Corporate Parent
The virtual school is alerted when a child comes into care by the authorities central management system. The core data of the child is then populated into ePEP and quality assured by the virtual school. The professionals are then related to the child’s record and alerts are sent out from the system automatically.
Social Worker
The social worker is legally responsible for the PEP. Once notified from the virtual school the social worker is expected to complete and quality assure section A (personal information) within the professional section of the PEP.
Designated Teacher
Following the social workers input, the designated teacher completes section B (education section) within the professional section of the PEP. Teachers are also expected to check and enter termly results within the attainment section. The designated teacher has the statutory responsibility to support the young person and to ensure a quality PEP is completed within 28 days.
Young Persons Section
The young person completes the ePEP interactive section using Squiddle, a secure online environment which feeds into the ePEP professional section. Questions for the young person can customised by the virtual school.
The PEP Meeting
The PEP meeting takes place at the school with everybody involved who is supporting the young person. The designated teacher, social worker, carer and most importantly the young person will attend the meeting to review all sections of the PEP. The professionals will set SMART targets to support the young persons welfare and educational needs to enhance performance outcomes.
Independent Review Officer
The PEP needs to be quality checked by the IRO by completing the IRO overview section.
Virtual Head
Finally, the virtual school will sign off the PEP and approve pupil premium expenditure if required for interventions to support the young person’s needs. Once the PEP has been signed off by the virtual school associated professionals will be alerted and a new PEP will be started for the next termly target date.
Explore the many ePEP features in depth including Attainment Tracking, Attendance Monitoring, Pupil Premium Accountability, Live Reports and many more…