Learn about ePEP’s Key Features
Explore the many ePEP features in depth including Attainment Tracking, Attendance Monitoring, Pupil Premium Accountability, Live Reports and many more…
Explore the many ePEP features in depth including Attainment Tracking, Attendance Monitoring, Pupil Premium Accountability, Live Reports and many more…
ePEP is the official electronic personal education plan for looked after children. Nationally, ePEP provides a secure platform for over 8000 schools in over 100 local authorities.
ePEP measures educational performance and tracks the child’s flight path against national age related expected progress and localised benchmarks.
The ePEP platform gathers live attendance data from key databases allowing teachers to directly record and monitor attendance for both in and out of authority children.
ePEP monitors and tracks Pupil Premium expenditure and links accountability to SMART targets. Designated teachers can request funding directly using ePEP.
Using the Virtual School Dashboard live reports and KPI’s can be aggregated across schools, year groups or by individual children.
The ePEP SEN section empowers young people to communicate using WIDGET sign and speak language symbols.
Squiddle is an online secure communication platform and record of achievement developed for young people in care to have a voice.
The Virtual School Platform (ePEP) has successfully established integration from all commonly used management systems.
We take storing children’s information very seriously. Learn about our security policies & data handling.
VSP (ePEP) can be accessed from any computer or multi platform displays, including iPad and smartphone in or out of authority.
We provide clients with a dedicated 24 hour – 7 days a week – 365 days a year live support log to guarantee 100% customer satisfaction.
We provide the knowledge and experience from successfully deploying ePEP training to over 72 local authorities.
eGov Solutions Ltd
Company No. 11651414
Tel: 0333 772 0944