Entries by eGOV.UK.COM

Widgit Symbols

One of the great features of ePEP are the sections for the young people to complete using interactive avatars. The young person has numerous options to choose from, children with reading difficulties or a visual impairment significantly benefit from the spoken questions by the avatar. This technique guarantees for whatever reason the child cannot read or has […]

Pupil Premium Plus

Additional funds for children in care become available from April 2014 through the Pupil Premium Plus (PP+). Besides increasing the amount to £1900 per child, the funds will be available from the first day a child comes in to care. The Virtual School head in each local authority will be responsible for administrating the Pupil Premium […]

Statutory Guidance ePEP

Statutory Guidance and Personal Education Plans There are four pieces of statutory guidance that determine what a PEP contains, how it should be used, who does what and when it needs to be completed and reviewed. For social workers,  The Children Act 1989 Guidance and RegulationsVolume 2: Care Planning, Placement and Case Review,covers the PEP […]

Who Cares Trust

The Who Cares Trust is a voice and a champion for children and young people in the UK living in care. The Who Cares Trust believe that every child in care should receive the support, encouragement and opportunities they need to enjoy their life and to achieve. What does The Who Cares Trust Do? So how […]

NEW Pupil Premium Resource Tracker

The Virtual School Heads will be responsible for managing the Pupil Premium. The Pupil Premium must be used for the looked after child’s educational needs as described in their Personal Education Plan (PEP).  ePEP online has launched the new Pupil Premium Resource Tracker developed with Stoke-on-Trent and Kent County Council. The Pupil Premium Resource Tracker […]

Government Statistics: Looked-After Children

Government Statistics from May 2010 onwards are available on GOV.UK. You can find our archived statistics on the National Archives. Note: the search function is not available on archived content so please use the filters on the left of each page. A document reviewing the comparability of government statistics of children looked after by local […]

DFE Clarify Virtual School Head’s Responsibility

FAQ ‘s – Pupil Premium and the role of the Virtual School Head. The Department for Education clarified how the Virtual School Head (VSH) has a pivotal role in distributing and monitoring the pupil premium for looked after children on the 20 March 2014. The pupil premium will be managed by the Virtual School Head […]

Sutton Trust Interventions

The Sutton Trust Interventions. What is the most cost effective intervention to bring about a rise in educational performance? The Sutton Trust-EEF Teaching and Learning toolkit has been produced for several years. The trust has analysed the combined educational research on thirty four (at the last count) types of intervention. It has looked at the […]

Children’s Homes Data Pack

Children’s Homes Data Pack The Department for Education published the Children’s Homes Data Pack in September 2013. Executive Summary This pack presents data about children’s homes in England. It provides information on the children in the homes, the homes and their quality, their location and ownership, their cost, and the children’s homes market. The Government believes […]