Entries by eGOV.UK.COM

eGOV Attendance Collection

Welcome to the eGOV Attendance Collection Service. We are delighted to announce the opening of a new exciting venture to benefit looked after children and supporting professionals. We have developed a new and enhanced children’s monitoring service for tracking attendance and collecting attainment data. The new secure service will monitor children’s daily attendance and notify professionals about the child’s absence […]

Squiddle Private Space for Children

Squiddle – Online chronological archive for vulnerable children. The secure Squiddle platform provides a private space for young people to communicate with their teacher, social worker or any other professional supporting the child. The concept turns Facebook upside down allowing the child to securely record chronological events and educational achievements privately. This Private space allows the teacher to […]

National Education ePEP the PEP to Success

Service Overview We are market leaders supporting local authorities with educational & attendance monitoring for looked-after children. The company has a dedicated team of developers and support specialists who passionate and highly experienced with supporting the largest to the smallest authorities in the country.Gary Daniels managing director originally developed ePEP (Electronic Personal Education Plan) platform […]

ePEP Attendance Tracker Hits Target

We have recently added the ePEP Attendance Tracker feature allowing third party suppliers to feed weekly or live attendance figures directly into the ePEP via our new API plug-in. The ePEP Attendance Tracker also allows teachers to manually enter attendance data before the PEP meeting takes place, including notes and explanations on why the child might […]

Europe’s largest authority embraces ePEP Online.

We are delighted to continue working closely with Birmingham City Council as their chosen PEP provider since 2016. We are now the largest single cloud platform supporting the majority of authorities within the West Midlands. The Birmingham Virtual School have also taken their rightful position onboard the ePEP National Advisory Group, working in partnership with other regional representatives […]

Northampton gives an outstanding case study for ePEP

Background An important part of the service improvement undertaken by Northamptonshire County Council, is the need to significantly improve the educational outcomes for all looked after children and young people (LAC) in care. Early on in the journey, it became clear that to achieve this aim, NCC needs to change the way they support, deliver […]

SMART Targets

After a successful 5th Advisory Group meeting the Virtual Heads from around the country have now develop the new SMART target section. A smart target is defined as such: S = Specific S = Specific M = Measurable A = Attainable R = Relevant, Rigorous, Realistic, and Results Focused T = Timely and Trackable Smart […]

PEP completion rates increase

PEP completion rates have significantly increased for authorities using ePEP’s new feature (Mandatory Data Fields). System administrators can now customise the professional section within ePEP’s user matrix to ensure Social workers and Designated teachers complete important data requirements and questions. The system alerts professionals if targets are not completed PEP’s are not completed within  timescale, […]

FFT & The Fischer Family Trust

Schools & Academies You can access FFT Aspire data and support in one of the following ways: Option 1: Via your Local Authority (including Academies) – please contact your LA for further details Option 2: Via FFT direct through an individual School subscription Option 3: Via FFT direct through a School Group subscription (discounted rate […]