NEW Automatic Attendance Collection
The single platform now offers a automatic notification attendance monitoring service for Virtual Schools. Collecting attendance and assessment DATA for a wide range of cohorts located in and out of borough.
The single platform now offers a automatic notification attendance monitoring service for Virtual Schools. Collecting attendance and assessment DATA for a wide range of cohorts located in and out of borough.
eGOV now offers attendance monitoring and provides assessment DATA for a wide range of different cohorts located in and out of borough. Youth offenders, SEN children, children missing education (CME), Post 16 children, children attending alternate provisions and Gypsy/ Roma/ Traveller children. We also monitor other vulnerable cohorts such as children who are at risk of being sexually exploited and UASC Unaccompanied Asylum Seeker Children.
The secure platform enables teachers to enter attendance codes directly onto the live attendance tracker daily. Attendance DATA can also feed into this section from 3rd party data basis via our controlled ePEP API. The platform is able to gather attendance and attainment data on children regardless of what type of education provision they attend (registered schools, residential homes, PRU’s, hospitals based provisions, work based provisions for post 16 children, colleges and youth offending institutes.
The Virtual School Platform enables teachers to record LIVE or WEEKLY attendance data directly into ePEP Single Sign-On.
Text message alerts and emails automatically notify professionals to highlight poor attendance and missing children to the Virtual School. This service provides a 100% guarantee for daily or weekly attendance or attainment collection and is much more effective to conventional telephone collection. No Software is required to be installed onto schools computers and attendance officers can upload attendance codes in seconds.
Feedback from teachers demonstrates the effectiveness and accountability of recording attendance remotely.
Designated Teachers and attendance officers have access to the attendance dashboard.
Teachers and attendance officers are automatically notified about absence and punctuality .
Attendance Service Feedback
We have received exceptional feedback from authorities that already have ‘Attendance Collection’ in place, including Birmingham Virtual School (the largest virtual school with over 2,500 looked after children) who have found it to be user friendly, and an exceptional addition to the ePEP system.
The accuracy of the data has also been very strong because the Virtual Schools have provided clarification and streamlined the attendance codes to help teachers and Attendance Officers who have been confused by other systems on which attendance codes to use during COVID-19.
We have successfully managed to increase the average attendance for all authorities using the attendance collection service, and have a allowed them to make considerable cost savings. Timescale: It will normally take two weeks for us to implement a secure testing platform for your Authority – with a launch date to be agreed. Background to the Requirement: ’Attendance Collection’ does not require any software to be installed onto the school’s devices and does not rely on manual telephone calls. However, we do provide a telephone support service to assist the Virtual Schools when trying to capture attendance information from those schools that may require additional assistance or are failing to comply with the online process.
The direct calling service is an optional function for the Virtual School and can be confirmed prior to the launch date. This immediate access to data has proved a huge success with other local authorities that have recently had a successful Ofsted inspection. Our Bespoke Reports on Attainment & Attendance will allow the Virtual School to obtain live attendance data on absences, attendance and exclusions. Live data is essential for the Virtual School in order to detect attendance concerns and implement the relevant intervention to help that child in their education.
If an Attendance Officer or a Designated Teacher have a dual role and is unable to collect the attendance e.g. due to absence, the Schools will need to contact the Virtual School and provide eGOV with the name of the nominated Attendance Officer. We will then create an account for the Attendance Officer and attach them to the looked after child. When an absence occurs, the system will automatically send an email notification-alerts of non-attendance to the key professionals around the child’s welfare and will be immediately notified if absence or lateness is recorded.
We provide access to our Self-Report Builder for clients to use within the platform for a completely unique approach to analysing data. This powerful application allows professionals to easily produce tailored reports, configure threshold alerts, conduct data mining, analyse and drill-down on all aspects of collected attendance data.
Bespoke reports can be automatically generated weekly or shared between colleagues. Individual cohorts. This feature which has proven to be invaluable for many authorities. Customisable Dashboards are available to quickly drill-down on key areas of focus and concern with large or individual cohorts. Look-up tables, drop-downs menus can also be edited be the client to analyse the dashboards.
Feedback from teachers has highlighted the negative response towards human interaction when chasing attendance. The VSP sends automatic alerts directly to the teacher via email and text message, ensuring contact has been made. Our knowledge and increasing experience with over 150 local authorities proves that this new method is the most cost effective way to gather attendance data reliably, timely and accurately.
Schools will have direct access to the ePEP platform meaning that there is no need for the schools to have to install any additional software. This also enables the Virtual School to obtain 100% daily or weekly attendance data on demand at all times.
The cost of attendance monitoring can be an expensive overhead to the Virtual School from 3rd party suppliers, however we do not charge an additional cost for this enhanced service which is included within our VSP user license.
If you have any questions or queries or require any further information please contact us.
Our text messaging service is available to all local authorities and allows teachers and pupils to stay connected during the attendance monitoring process.
Explore the many ePEP features in depth including Attainment Tracking, Attendance Monitoring, Pupil Premium Accountability, Live Reports and many more…
ePEP monitors and tracks Pupil Premium expenditure and links accountability to SMART targets. Designated teachers can request funding directly using ePEP.
Using the Virtual School Dashboard live reports and KPI’s can be aggregated across schools, year groups or by individual children.
The ePEP SEN section empowers young people to communicate using WIDGET sign and speak language symbols.
Squiddle is an online secure communication platform and record of achievement developed for young people in care to have a voice.
eGov Solutions Ltd
Company No. 11651414
Tel: 0333 772 0944