ePEP Attainment Tracking
The ePEP management system allows teachers and social workers to effectively track the child’s progress and successful completion of the PEP process.
The ePEP management system allows teachers and social workers to effectively track the child’s progress and successful completion of the PEP process.
The attainment tracking section is critical to the child’s educational progress and requires input from the designated teacher which can be shared with the child’s social worker. Database integration can provide final year attainment result data allowing propagation into the ePEP professional management system.
Attainment data can be viewed by both teachers and social workers to be used for the PEP meeting when discussing the child’s performance. ePEP displays this information through a range of visual graphs which can be easily understood and helps professionals identify areas of needs. We have also developed the online attainment tracker which displays termly chronological educational data on the child for teachers and social workers. The system enables teachers to enter termly results using National Curriculum levels, GCSE and equivalent grades and point scores covering the ages 5-16 years. The tracker also facilitates P- scales up-to level 1 for all children.
End of key stage results can be entered so actual progress can be monitored against expected progress. The school has to enter if the child is making satisfactory progress and can use the attainment section to indicate whether progress is above or below expectation. Unsatisfactory progress automatically generates a target in the pupil premium section. The tracker clearly displays the children’s education performance with a number of customisable interactive line graphs. Reports can be generated for different cohorts of children. Teachers, social workers and carers can easily work together to understand the educational needs for the child.
• Child unique ID (ICS record number)
• Unique Pupil Number (UPN)
• Gender
• Ethnicity
• Date of birth
• Age (years)
• Date became looked after (BLA)
• Child’s legal status (also available from ICS)
• Is Young Person on an APPRENTICESHIP
• Is Young Person EMPLOYED (non-apprenticeship)
• Is the child making expected level of progress at school?
• Is child meeting age related expectations for attainment?
• Name of school
• Location of school (town or postcode)
• Latest Ofsted overall effectiveness judgement for the provider (e.g. school)
• Attendance during current academic year.
• Attendance concerns (if reported)
• Reason not attending school (if applicable)
• Number of schools attended in last 2 years (if school changes are captured on ePEP?)
• Number of days excluded during current academic year
Professionals using the system have expressed their satisfaction with the ePEP management system, which allows teachers and social workers to communicate and track effectively and accurately the child’s progress and successful completion of the PEP process.
Early adopters of ePEP have helped us to further develop and refine tools within the management system which have contributed to the efficiency of the ongoing administration and maintenance of ePEP. This level of flexibility enables us to build a PEP document to meet the requirements of all ages, including both pre-school and post 16. In addition, it is possible to limit certain fields within ePEP to specific year groups i.e asking about post 16 destination planning or careers interviews.
With individual sections for health, SEN, pupil premium, attainment results and future needs and intervention, it allows authorities to gain a wide array of data and ultimately produce a number of different reports that are vital to monitoring a child’s progression whilst in care.
Explore the many ePEP features in depth including Attainment Tracking, Attendance Monitoring, Pupil Premium Accountability, Live Reports and many more…
The ePEP platform gathers live attendance data from key databases allowing teachers to directly record and monitor attendance for both in and out of authority children.
ePEP monitors and tracks Pupil Premium expenditure and links accountability to SMART targets. Designated teachers can request funding directly using ePEP.
Using the Virtual School Dashboard live reports and KPI’s can be aggregated across schools, year groups or by individual children.
The ePEP SEN section empowers young people to communicate using WIDGET sign and speak language symbols.
eGov Solutions Ltd
Company No. 11651414
Tel: 0333 772 0944